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Barbara is the author of How to love and survive your teenage dog – which guides you through living with a teenage dog (and them living with you) for a more harmonious life together. Barbara wrote this book after professionally helping thousands of humans and their teenage dogs get through that challenging teenage phase.
In 2015 Barbara completed her Diploma in Canine Behaviour Science and Technology at the Companion Animal Sciences Institute in Canada.
Barbara has been involved in dog training for the last 20 years and has completed her Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services with the Delta Society in 2007 and is a professional member of the Delta Institute.
She competes in the dog sport of Agility and Rally O and Shellbe (a German short-haired pointer) competes on Master level in Agility and Rally O. Chillax, one of Shellbe’s puppies, competes in Rally O and got his Rally Novice title in October 2019. He is just starting out in Agility.
Barbara also previously served as the President and Vice President of the Pet Professional Guild Australia for seven years. The Guild promotes force free and humane training for all pets.
Barbara holds a Master’s Degree in Modern European History and Economics from the University of Berne (Switzerland) and a MBA (Master of Business Administration) from Southern Cross University Australia. In addition, Barbara has in-depth experience in adult education and training, having taught high school and university students in Berne, college students in Sydney, as well as middle and top management employees of a large public corporation in Switzerland.
- Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services with the Delta Society (2007)
- Diploma in Canine Behaviour Science and Technology at CASI Canada (2015)
- Advanced Animal Training at Illis ABC Sweden (2021)
- Master’s Degree in Modern European History and Economic (University of Berne, Switzerland)
- MBA (Master of Business Administration from Southern Cross University Australia)
- Past President and Vice President of the Pet Professional Guild Australia (7 years).
- Professional member of the Delta Institute
You can contact Barbara on
Jessie graduated in 2010 from with a Certificate 4 in Veterinary Nursing (TAFE) and worked in clinics for 8 years, more recently at the Seaforth Veterinary Clinic. Jessie is now pursuing an alternate career in insurance while continuing to train with Goodog.
Jessie holds a Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services from the Delta Society 2015.
Jessie started her training journey over 14 years ago with Ollie, the white border collie. Ollie made Jessie the trainer she is today because of the ongoing training he needed. Ollie gave Jessie a passion for training and taught her a lot about canine behaviour and body language. Today Jessie continues that training (and love) with Larry the Whippet and completed both preschool and teen courses at Goodog.
Jessie is also experienced in Agility and Obedience training.
- Certificate 4 in Veterinary Nursing (TAFE)
- Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services from the Delta Society (2015)
Amy has completed her formal qualification with the Dunbar Academy in both SIRIUS and Science Based Dog Training courses.
Once Amy rescued Loki she knew he needed more patience and training than other dogs. Investigating and understanding Loki’s needs led Amy to become an accredited dog trainer. So, with all that knowledge Amy moved onto assisting other dogs with behavioural needs.
While studying at Dr. Dunbar’s Top Dog Academy Amy changed careers, working at doggy day care and a wildlife sanctuary to be closer with animals. After graduation Amy opened and her own dog walking and training business on the NSW Central Coast – Coast Canine Care where she trains puppies, rescues and teenage dogs. Additionally, Amy trains dogs and puppies with Goodog on the Northern Beaches each week.
Amy loves to help puppies have the best start to life with group training and socialisation courses and is dedicated to force free, science-based dog training methods, with a personal focus on rescue dogs like Loki.
- SIRIUS Dog Trainer Academy (Puppy and Adult Dogs) – Dunbar Academy
- Science Based Dog Training – Dunbar Academy
- Member of Pet Professional Guild Australia (PPGA)
- Owner Coast Canine Care – NSW Central Coast.
- The Dunbar Academy is accredited by:
- The Certification Council for Professional
- The National Association of Dog Obedience Instruction (NADOI) – USA
- The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) – USA
Maz has completed his formal qualification, a Certificate IV in Animal Companion Services through Hanrob Dog Training Academy. He has trained multiple of dogs over his life and has been training and caring for dogs since a very young age.
His current dog Messy, a German Shepherd cross displayed aggressive behaviour towards other dogs and separation distress but through positive reinforcement training, Maz has assisted Messy in overcoming these behaviours. Messy has now started scent work, agility and Rally and has become a much happier and more relaxed dog.
Maz is passionate about dogs and training and understanding dogs’ behaviour is his forté. Maz has also been exposed to different training methods, however adopted a positive reinforcement approach as the best strategy and has experience with puppy adult dog training programs as well as agility, herding, and scent detection. Maz also volunteers at the local dog club.
- Certificate IV in Animal Companion Services
- Member of Pet Professional Guild Australia (PPGA)
The exuberant energy and sensitive nature of my Dalmatian girl (Jamie) led me to pursue dog training. I then studied with Delta commenced and teaching Teenage Classes at Goodog in 2024.
I am originally from Switzerland where I worked mainly in the book industry and even trained as a librarian. I also have a degree in psychology, which helps me to work with/train humans who’d like to understand their dogs better.
I love working with all kinds of dogs and human/dog teams. I am also particularly interested in understanding and supporting the interspecies dynamics between humans and their dog friends and family members.
- Delta Course Certificate IV in Animal Behaviour and Training (currently attending 2024/2025)
Renée manages Goodog’s client relations and admin.
- BArts in Political Science and Philosophy (2019)
- BScience in Psychology and Biological Anthropology (2021)
- BArts (Honours) in Political Science (2024)
Us with our dogs