How to love and survive your teenage dog – Barbara Hodel

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‘Over the last 13 years, I have professionally helped thousands of humans and their teenage dogs to get through that challenging teenage phase. I wrote this book because I want to share the lessons I have learnt – and the knowledge I have gained – with a wider audience so you and your dog can develop a lasting bond and live together harmoniously!’ – Barbara Hodel

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– ISBN 978-1-922337-56-6


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– ISBN 978-1-922452-05-4

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How to love and survive your teenage dog – Barbara Hodel

All dogs (and humans) have to go through the teenage phase to reach the stability of adulthood. Some dogs breeze through this stage with barely a glitch, but most of us will have a challenging time.

It is normal to sometimes feel despondent or disappointed because we thought we did everything right when they were puppies and now nothing seems to be working. The challenges of the teenage phase are real and can put our relationship with our dog at risk.

It does not have to be like this! How to love and survive your teenage dog will help you to understand your teenage dog better and navigate these challenges, by covering: an understanding of the unique challenges you and your teenage dog face; why and how your relationship matters in the training process; the role of anthropomorphism and consideration of dog emotions and minds; the benefits of positive reinforcement; the importance of lifelong socialisation; how to keep your and your dog’s sanity despite some common setbacks; and promoting the value of calmness.

You can – and should – enjoy your teenage dog despite the difficult behaviours they show. The reward is a happy and well-adjusted friend for life!

As a qualified and accredited dog trainer, Barbara has helped thousands of teenage dogs and their families come out the other end of that difficult phase with a bright future ahead. Barbara’s positive, science-based and ethical approach to training teenage dogs and their humans will help you, too!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Review by Karin
There are so many books on puppy care and training but at last a book that looks at that most difficult stage of life for people and dogs – the teenager. When sweet puppies grow bigger louder and more independent frustrated owners may give up on them. This book explains why the teenage canine brain acts as it does and how you can not only live through this time but actually end up with a well behaved
adult companion.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Review by dormouse
A useful book for inexperienced owners who haven’t witnessed how dogs change as they mature and need extra understanding through their teenage years.

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About Barbara Hodel

In 2015 Barbara completed her Diploma in Canine Behaviour Science and Technology at the Companion Animal Sciences Institute in Canada.

Barbara has been involved in dog training for the last 20 years and has completed her Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services with the Delta Society in 2007 and is a professional member of the Delta Institute.

She competes in the dog sport of Agility and Rally O and Shellbe (a German short-haired pointer) competes on Master level in Agility and Rally O. Chillax, one of Shellbe’s puppies, competes in Rally O and got his Rally Novice title in October 2019. He is just starting out in Agility. 

Barbara is the Vice President of the Pet Professional Guild Australia. The Guild promotes force free and humane training for all pets.

Barbara holds a Master’s Degree in Modern European History and Economics from the University of Berne (Switzerland) and a MBA (Master of Business Administration) from Southern Cross University Australia. In addition, Barbara has in-depth experience in adult education and training, having taught high school and university students in Berne, college students in Sydney, as well as middle and top management employees of a large public corporation in Switzerland.

You can contact Barbara on

Goodog Classes
Bookings: Our Next Classes
Teenage classes: Teenage & Rescue Dogs
Puppy classes: Puppy Preschool

Barbara is Delta qualified and a member of the Delta Institute, Pet Professional Guild Australia and head also holds a Diploma in Canine Behaviour Science and Technology. View our trainer profiles here.


Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg
Dimensions 21 × 13 × 2 cm

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